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18 August 2005


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Did my presentation on occultism during GP yesterday... spread the evil!!!
got quite a good response from the class... and Mrs Chan ended up spending half an hour talking about that subject... and spared some people from having their speeches today... haha....

then i was supposed to go for the tea session but lian went on my behalf... went to the library to look for basic chess opening books but couldn't really find much... sigh... yep...

today's civics was rather lame... was this chinese culture quiz... and the questions were so easy that the audiences were like sighing... tried to prove that this scandalous person is a gambler... but failed...

P.S. anyway, now i know why i prefer to use the pencil... haha... maybe i'm possessed it doesn't matter anyway...
P.S.S. i saw gamblers gambling away... sigh... playing bridge blatantly in the canteen
P.S.S.S you are so scandalous

Posted by gal_blue |

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