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01 June 2007

i sream


more ice cream today :)


met dawn at vivo today for our facial date :) lol... and the method beauty salon get customer is like this:

1. They got some roadshow and offered you some 1st time trial
2. After you gone for it, they promote some package
3. Then they insist that you probably needs it
4. And you fell for it

lol... then we head for suntec area. GSS this time round is so not good :( the stuffs are like pretty much overpriced stuff by 30% stuff, reduced by 20% (well, you get the meaning) if not, the 50% discount things are like, "heck! I can't find my size" or "heck! this looks ugly" :(

checked out the PC fair, and vaio is so nice!!!! but me no money :(

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