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21 February 2006

Live 8


Live 8 is so damn cool!!!

No Mdm Teng today. Mr Lee took over the lesson and we had civics to discuss what to do for the learning journey. ended up most of the class had no objection to a CIP. After school, wei jia, est, kenneth, matthew, zhaowei and I went to chork's house to gamble before math s. Quite a nice bridge session. Lala~ Then we all went back to school and they presented me my birthday present, which was the live 8 DVD set!!!! Lala~~~~~~ :) big thanks to wei jia, wang lu, est, bernie, matt, chork, lian and kenneth :) 8 people!!! (so coincidental) yep! and obviously, the 1st performance I watched was Green Day's :P lala~ U2 and Paul McCartney are good too. yep!!!


Tried to play soccer after PE but the class seemed a little too tired. ended up doing some penalty shootout and someone just have to kick my ball over the fence, (luckily not out of school) but I forgive him lah... :P

Anyway, Club Moneta, a new Student Interest Group about personal finance is setting up and drop by the boards in front of canteen and staffroom to sign up!!! Lala~ meetings on Wednesdays 1-2pm

Toothache!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1st time on field for soccer training :) :) :) Ooooooohhhh!!!

shall go home to watch Coldplay after soccer trainings :) *shiver*

SSEF briefing tomorrow and seems like I'll have to go there alone cos kenneth got chem SPA. shall see who's going tomorrow. plus I have to miss the roadshow :( anyway, guess I wouldn't be going to US liao. After what Miss Wang said today, it seems like my chances of getting into Stanford is very bleak :( shall buck up my GP and fly to London. London --- should be a nice place.

P.S. I wish *ahem* knows that he is *ahem*, unfortunately, *ahem* doesn't seem to know that he is *ahem*...

Posted by gal_blue |

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