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06 April 2005


Went to school earlier than usual... decided to walk around the school... saw a bunch of people crowding around a notice board and I decided to go and check it out... found out that it is actually the house thingy... got posted to the Hullet...
Anyway after PE, I rushed to the canteen to check out the interview results... I GOT THROUGH!!!! YEAH!!! Anyway 3 people in my class got through... liansheng, chork and me... haha.... so happy.... MUST VOTE FOR ME!!!!
During civics, Mr Lee gave us this chemistry quiz... got 10/14... haha... The test cut into our lunch time... so have to go for the campaigners’ meeting with a growling stomach... sigh... We are supposed to get our proposals done by fri and 30 sec speech by mon... haha... Anyway, we were supposed to decide whether we want to campaign individually or as a group... then chork left the class for friends... sigh... so evil disappointing evil evil evil “nice”... so much for class spirit... he then ask his friends whether I can join their campaign group or not... then that friend said NO when chork told him that I was from SNGS... he said that it is more practical to get a RGS girl because the school is dominated by RI and RGS people... WTF... that was so damn condescending and evil... I was quite affected by that remark... cos I stayed in RJ because I like the environment here and the fact that the RI and RGS people do not really look down on the other school people... but it doesn’t really matter... I guess for my campaigning speech, I’m going to say, “It makes no difference which sec sch, faculty, house or ccas you come from. To me, all of you are students of RJC, which makes all of you a true rafflesians.”
Anyway, my campaigning group consists of liansheng, 2 johnathans and me... haha... speaking of which, I’ll have to check out the sample proposals now...
Then I went for SRP... thanks to kenneth’s mom, we made it to NUS at 3.20pm, with 10mins for me and chork to have our lunch... Anyway, I finished my food earlier than chork... quite surprising cos I always eat damn slowly... I guess it’s because I was freaking pissed... Anyway I asked kenneth whether he is homo, hetero or bi... well, he said he is hetero... so disappointing... I mean for matthew lah...
Then that SRP talk was so damn boring... I was sitting directly in front of the lecturer and yet I dozed off for a while... haha... On the way back, chork kept questioning me bout my “private rendezvous”... got meh? what crap lah... then I asked chork bout him and another person... he kept denying... well, sooner or later, we will know... haha...

Posted by gal_blue |

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