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17 July 2005

I had a bad day

I had a bad day... but don't ask me why... woke up with a very bad start... nightmare last night, coupled with aching right arm... plus, someone made me cried really hard today and my eyes are like really puffed up... and now I got this terrible migrane... to aggravete the situation, one of the suay-est thing that could happen, had happened to me... sigh... was supposed to go for photog camp but I'm seriously not in the mood to go...

Some things to say:

To gladys: I miss you!
To lu: Thanks for being there for me...
To wei jia: I'm so sorry... I hope you are not angry with me for not going for the camp...
To the person who made me cried (you know who you are) : Don't feel guilty... its not entirely your fault... I'm just a little worked up and as you know, I'm somehow distrated by ______. and I'm preoccpied with some thoughts...
To any other person who cared: Thanks! You make this world a better place!!!

Posted by gal_blue |

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