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04 November 2005


為了你而祈禱 而祝福 而感動
終於你身影 消失在 人海盡頭 才發現 笑著哭最痛

如果我愛上 你的笑容 要怎麼收藏 要怎麼擁有
如果你快樂 再不是為我 會不會放手 其實才是擁有

this practically summarises something

yep... went to school early today at like 7++ to sit around and slack. then was the collection of result slip from Mr Lee, and looking at the comments he wrote for everybody, it seems that he got some template or something. it just reminds me of Hagrid.. haha. miss those SN days.. anyway, after that was the chess camp.. first up was wacko, and there was like a lot of sabo-ing. haha... (and it seemed like deja vu, because the exact same image, which apperared in my dreams once, happened before my eyes - wei jia wacking this guy from 1S01D and c chess. weird) then the bridge and c chess people teach everyone some tricks in bridge and openings in c chess. walked off halfway to look for wang lu, but before we can say much it was lunchtime.. had lunch at long john's and quan min was there too!!! haha.. miss SNCO!!! Aaaaaah!!! yep. then we went back and ponned the war games... went slacking in the com lab. haha.. then wei jia, yu xin and rui zhi went slacking in the canteen to play truth or dare. couldn't get much scandals out, basically because we are all so scandal-less. :) yep.. then shuting decided to leave the guys and join us in the game. zhao wei came over too.. soon it became the sabo shuting game. :P then was this talk by this external lecturer on chess history of Singapore. fell asleep halfway through because it was so damn boring. but the way he went through the few games is very good, other than the fact that he went a little too fast and I heard the school might get him as our coach.. yep..

P.S. I really don't know what to say, all I can do was laugh

Posted by gal_blue |

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