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18 May 2005

Tuesday – rec bad, guitar ensemble concert and sticky people

Went to k’cove today... the 1st one there as usual... then wei ting (my J2 OGL) came and started “begging” us to buy harmonica concert tickets... she went like “I’ll pay half of it, so you pay only 2.50” when we were are like discussing, she said, “I’ll pay $3!!!” and we were all like, “oh no, I feel so guilty” and then she went on to say we can pay anything less than $5... haha... in the end she sold 5 tickets for 2 bucks each (I bought one)... as how vipul put it, emotional blackmail...
Physics lecture test... actually quite easy, plus we already sort of know the definition questions and stuff like that... found that test quite doable... should be able to do quite well... PE was quite crap... played floorball... something quite similar to hockey... but the goal was like so small that it someone were to stand in front of the goal, the ball could never get in there... haha... anyway, the other class girls were damn rough... they squashed that green plastic ball... haha... decided to be more active... so I was like running around and fighting (using the floorball stick of course) for that squashed but returned to original shape (thanks to the PE teacher) ball... on the other side of the hall was the guys playing airball (???)... damn funny... anyway, after PE, went to amphi to play badminton with wei jia and est... so, it was like wei jia and me versus est... the photog versus ex-photog!!! Then we sat down at the canteen to talk about the next class outing... the three of us were like fighting to be the game masters... haha... then play badminton with wei jia... then went to indoor gym for rec bad with chork... saw Mr Lee playing with Mr Lim... they are damn good lah... then chork got kenneth’s racket and we played doubles against the teachers... got trashed by them... sigh... then chork suggested one teacher on one side and guess what Mr Lee said...
He went,
“we stick together”
double bleah
double ewwwwwww
the teachers also trashed other people... until this two damn pro guys started trashing them... haha... then, I played with roger against two other people... and the shuttlecork kept flying into the direction of the teachers whenever I hit it... roger than asked if I hate the teachers... haha... saw qi zhao with the SLR... bet he’s doing cover for guitar ensemble concert... so jealous... he was like trying to capture cool shots of people playing badminton... haha... kept track of the scores, won a set... haha...
Before Mr Lee left, he actually asked me to bring the net home or pass it to him later... haha... so after rec bad, I couldn’t contact him and I am too lazy to bring the net home... so I went to the staff room and stuffed the net into his pigeonhole... then the pigeonhole became full and looks... stuffed... not with pigeons... haha... (how did I get into the staff room after 5? I can walk through glass... nah... this teacher let me in... then I was like trying to open the glass door and realized that it is locked... saw this doorbell like button and pressed it... and tah dah! The door is unlocked! Cool! Saw this thing where you can scan your thumb print outside the office... damn cool!!!)

P.S. I’m so tired... played a total of ~2-3hrs of badminton + 1hr of PE

P.S. there was this guy playing badminton like a girl... shan’t write down the person’s name... anyway, that person know who he is because I told him that...

P.S. did not go for guitar ensemble concert... sorry people!

Posted by gal_blue |

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